Philadelphia Implant Dentist Answers: How Long Will Dental Implants Last?

One of the major benefits of dental implants is longevity. Common alternatives, such as dental bridges, only provide between 10 and 15 years of restoration. Dentures may need to be adjusted every year and replaced about every five years. Dental implants, however, can provide up to 25 years or more of dental replacement. In today’s blog, your Philadelphia implant dentists explain the steps you can take to ensure the longest possible life for your new smile.

Protecting Your Implant
Since your implants are inserted into the jawbone like natural tooth roots, they are susceptible to same risks. Poor oral hygiene, smoking, and other factors can lead to the onset of gum disease, increasing the risk of implant failure. What makes gum disease such a dreaded dental health issue is the fact that this disease threatens the stability of your teeth. Without treatment, periodontal disease begins to wear away the connective tissue between the implant and the gums and can even dissolve the bone tissue. Soon, your implant could require removal. However, with a few simple steps you can help protect the stability of your implants:

• Attend regular checkups and cleanings
• Brush your teeth twice a day
• Floss once a day
• Rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash

With regular dental care, your implants could last a lifetime.

Replacing Restorations
The crowns and teeth placed onto your implant posts may require adjustments or even replacement after several years. These restorations will endure years of powerful bite forces and pressures, which can eventually wear them down or damage them. As with the implant posts, maintaining regular dental habits can help safeguard your restorations. Regular checkups will also allow your By Design Dental team to assess the state of your implant restorations.

Schedule a Visit with Your Philadelphia Implant Dentists
If you have any further questions regarding the maintenance and care of your dental implants, contact your Philadelphia implant dentists today. Schedule a free thorough consultation by calling 484-231-1177. At By Design Dental, we provide affordable and convenient dental implants, employing the latest in implant technology to restore your smile to full function and appearance. We look forward to seeing you soon at our office located at The Atrium, 234 Mall Blvd., Suite 180, King of Prussia, PA 19406.