Oral Cancer Awareness

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s important to be aware of the symptoms of this disease. Oral cancer can affect the mouth or throat, and early detection is key to improving the prognosis.

Some common symptoms of oral cancer include:

~A sore in the mouth that doesn’t heal
~A lump or thickening in the cheek
~White or red patches on the gums, tongue, or lining of the mouth
~Difficulty swallowing or chewing
~Numbness in the tongue or other areas of the mouth
~Persistent earache

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to see a dentist or oral and maxillofacial surgeon for an evaluation. Remember, early detection can save lives!

Oral cancer is a disease that affects the tissues of the mouth or throat.

According to the American Cancer Society, approximately 54,010 new cases of oral cancer will be diagnosed in the United States in 2023, and 10,850 deaths are expected from this disease. Oral cancer is a serious disease that can have a significant impact on a person’s life. Because of this, with early detection and treatment, the prognosis can be improved. This is where oral and maxillofacial surgeons come in. They play an important role in diagnosing and treating oral cancer, and helping patients to get their smiles back.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are dental specialists who are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions related to the mouth, teeth, and facial regions. They are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer. This is why they are an essential part of the healthcare team for patients with this disease. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform biopsies, diagnose oral cancer, and develop a treatment plan that meets the individual needs of each patient.

One of the key roles of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon in the diagnosis of oral cancer is performing a biopsy. A biopsy is a medical procedure in which a small piece of tissue is removed from the affected area for examination under a microscope. Biopsies are used to diagnose cancer, determine the stage of the disease, and guide the development of an appropriate treatment plan. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are skilled in performing biopsies of the mouth and throat, and they use the latest techniques and equipment to ensure accurate diagnosis.

After Diagnosis

Once a diagnosis of oral cancer is made, the oral and maxillofacial surgeon will work with the patient and their healthcare team to develop a treatment plan. The type of treatment depends on several factors. This includes the stage and location of the cancer, the patient’s overall health, and their personal preferences. Furthermore, treatment options for oral cancer may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these treatments.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are experts in surgical procedures related to the mouth and facial regions. And this makes them an essential part of the healthcare team for patients with oral cancer. Surgery is often a key component of the treatment plan for oral cancer, as it allows for the removal of the cancerous tissue and can help to prevent the spread of the disease. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons use the latest surgical techniques and equipment to perform procedures such as tumor resection, reconstruction of the affected area, and removal of lymph nodes, if necessary.

In addition to treating oral cancer, oral and maxillofacial surgeons also play an important role in helping patients to get their smiles back. However, oral cancer may have a significant impact on a person’s appearance, and surgical treatment often results in changes to the mouth and facial regions. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are skilled in reconstructive procedures which help to restore a patient’s appearance and improve their quality of life.

Reconstructive surgery involves the use of dental implants, bone grafts, or tissue flaps to rebuild the affected area. Dental implants are artificial teeth that are surgically placed into the jawbone, providing a permanent replacement for missing teeth. Bone grafts involve taking bone tissue from another part of the body or using synthetic materials to rebuild the jawbone. Tissue flaps involve taking tissue from another part of the body, such as the thigh or abdomen, and using it to reconstruct the affected area of the mouth or throat.

Our dedicated team at By Design Dental works with many oral cancer patients to help restore their smiles.  Contact us for a consultation.

Cheap Dental Implants are Not Worth It

Dental implants are a popular and effective way to replace missing teeth, but they are also a significant investment in both time and money. Because of this, it is important to ensure that you are receiving the best care possible from qualified specialists. Why are cheap dental implants not worth it? Unfortunately, cheap implant advertisements often come with a catch, and it is essential to be cautious when considering these offers.

First, let’s define the difference between a general dentist and a qualified specialist. A general dentist is a primary care provider who is trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of dental issues. They are competent in performing routine procedures such as cleanings, fillings, and extractions. A qualified specialist, on the other hand, has undergone additional education and training in a specific area of dentistry. For dental implants, this would be an oral and maxillofacial surgeon or a prosthodontist.

So, why is it important to see a Prosthodontist or an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon for dental implants?
There are several reasons.

First and foremost, dental implants require a high level of skill and precision. The success of the implant depends on the precise placement in the jawbone and the proper integration with the surrounding bone tissue. A qualified specialist has the necessary training and experience to accurately assess the suitability of the patient for implants. Oral surgeons and Prosthodontists are experts at properly placing the implant for optimal success.

In contrast, a general dentist may not have the specialized knowledge and skills necessary to properly place dental implants. This can lead to complications such as implant failure, infection, and the need for additional procedures to fix problems that arose from improper placement.

Another reason to see a Prosthodontist or Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon for dental implants is the time commitment involved. The dental implant process can take several months to complete, and it requires multiple appointments and procedures. A qualified specialist has the expertise to efficiently manage the treatment plan and minimize the overall time and discomfort for the patient.

On the other hand, a general dentist may not have the experience and training to handle the complexities of the implant process. This may lead to delays and a less favorable outcome for the patient.

Choose a Prosthodontist or an Oral Surgeon for Dental Implants.

Many people choose a Prosthodontist and an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon because of their advanced education and training, efficiency, and expertise with advanced technology. Prosthodontists and Oral Surgeons are extensively trained in state-of-the-art techniques and procedures. Patients seeking dentists who are focused on detail and perfection to regain an esthetic and functional dentition often seek prosthodontists for treatment. Rigorous training and experience give prosthodontists a special understanding of the dynamics of a smile and the preservation of a healthy mouth.

It is also essential to consider the long-term success and maintenance of dental implants. A qualified specialist has the expertise to properly care for and maintain the implants to ensure they last for many years. In contrast, a general dentist may not have the necessary knowledge and training to provide the necessary care and follow-up to ensure the long-term success of the implants.

Now, let’s find out why cheap Dental Implants are not worth it.

We should address the issue of cheap implant advertisements. It is essential to be cautious when considering these offers as they often come with a catch. In many cases, these advertisements are offering low-quality implants or using inexperienced practitioners to cut costs.

Cheap implants may be made of inferior materials that are more prone to failure or complications. They may also be poorly designed, leading to a less stable and natural-looking result. In the long run, these cheap implants may end up costing more in the form of additional procedures or the need to replace the implants altogether.

In addition to the potential for low-quality implants, cheap implant advertisements may also use practitioners who are not qualified specialists. As mentioned earlier, the success of the implant depends on the precise placement in the jawbone, requiring specialized training and experience.

It is essential to do your research and carefully consider the qualifications and experience of the practitioner offering cheap implant advertisements. In many cases, it may be more cost-effective in the long run to pay a little more for a qualified specialist.  They will provide you the best care and ensure the long-term success of your dental implants.
We hope you can see now why cheap dental implants are not worth It.

By Design Dental is a Dental Implant Center with our own in-house Lab.

Most practices outsource their work to commercial dental laboratories that deal with hundreds of other dental offices. Often these commercial dental labs are out of state, and sometimes even out of the country, resulting in limited communication between the doctors and the technicians. Unlike these practices, By Design Dental Implant Center houses a state-of-the-art, fully functioning dental laboratory. It is staffed full time by a certified dental technician who works exclusively for By Design Dental patients.

In conclusion, it is essential to see a qualified specialist when it comes to dental implants. The success and long-term maintenance of the implants depend on the skill and expertise of the practitioner. Meet our experienced team at By Design Dental and learn how you can finally have the smile you have dreamed about.

Contact us to book a consultation.

How many Dental Implants?

How many Dental Implants are necessary for you?

How many dental implants are necessary to get when considering the procedure will depend on a variety of factors. Some factors include the specific needs of the patient and the type of dental implants being used. In general, dental implants are used to replace missing teeth, and the number of implants needed will depend on the number of missing teeth.

They restore oral health and function, and they offer patients many advantages over other tooth restorations. If you are missing teeth or have damaged teeth that need to be extracted, we urge you to consider dental implants as your replacement solution.

However, it is important to note that it is not always necessary to get a dental implant for every missing tooth. In order to determine how many dental implants you will need, our Prosthodontists are specially trained in this area of dentistry.
In some cases, it may be possible to get fewer implants and still achieve good results. There are several benefits to getting fewer dental implants, including the following:


All-on-4® can be a costly procedure, and the more implants you need, the more expensive it will be. By getting fewer implants, you may be able to save money on the overall cost of the procedure.

Recovery time:

The recovery time after getting dental implants can vary, but it is generally longer if you get more implants. By getting fewer implants, you may be able to reduce your recovery time and get back to your normal activities more quickly.

Risk of complications:

As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of complications with implants. The more implants you get, the higher the risk of complications may be. By getting fewer implants, you may be able to reduce your risk of complications.

Ease of maintenance:

Dental implants require regular care and maintenance to ensure that they are functioning properly. The more implants you have, the more time and effort may be required for maintenance. By getting fewer implants, you may be able to simplify the maintenance process.

Natural appearance:

All-on-4® implants are designed to look and function like natural teeth. However, if you get too many implants, it may be more difficult to achieve a natural appearance. By getting fewer implants, you may be able to maintain a more natural-looking smile.

In conclusion, the number of dental implants necessary when considering the procedure will depend on your specific needs and the type of implants being used. While it may be tempting to get as many implants as possible, it is important to consider the benefits of getting fewer implants, such as cost, recovery time, risk of complications, ease of maintenance, and natural appearance. By weighing the pros and cons, you can determine the best course of action for your specific needs.

Timely, cost-effective and painless, our dental implant procedure, All-on-4®, has positively impacted the lives of so many people.

Contact By Design Dental for a thorough dental implant consultation and learn how dental implants may be life changing for you.






Vitamin D and Dental Implants

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in the health of our teeth and bones. It helps our bodies absorb calcium, which is essential for strong, healthy teeth. However, many people are deficient in vitamin D, which can lead to a variety of health problems, including tooth loss.

One way to ensure that you are getting enough vitamin D is by taking supplements. There are several benefits to taking vitamin D supplements, especially when you are healing after a dental implant procedure.

How Vitamin D helps with Dental Implant Success

First, vitamin D helps to strengthen the bones in your jaw, which are necessary for supporting dental implants. Dental implants are essentially artificial teeth that are surgically implanted into the jawbone. In order for the implants to be successful, the jawbone must be strong enough to support them.

Second, vitamin D may help to prevent tooth loss. Tooth loss can occur for a variety of reasons, including periodontal disease, tooth decay, and trauma. Vitamin D helps to strengthen the bones in your jaw, which can help to prevent tooth loss. It may also help to reduce the risk of periodontal disease, a common cause of tooth loss.

Third, vitamin D can improve the overall health of your teeth. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, which is essential for strong, healthy teeth. It also helps to reduce inflammation in the gums, which can help to prevent gum disease. Gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss, and vitamin D may help to prevent it.

Fourth, vitamin D can improve the success rate of dental implants. Dental implants have a high success rate, but there are a few factors that can affect their success. One of these factors is the health of the jawbone. Vitamin D helps to strengthen the jawbone, which can increase the success rate of dental implants.

Fifth, vitamin D can improve the overall health of your mouth. Vitamin D helps to reduce inflammation in the gums and may help to prevent gum disease. It also helps to strengthen the teeth, which can reduce the risk of tooth loss. By improving the overall health of your mouth, vitamin D can help to maintain the health of your dental implants.

In conclusion, Vitamin D supplements can offer numerous benefits in regards to dental implants. They can help to strengthen the jawbone, prevent tooth loss, improve the overall health of your teeth, increase the success rate of dental implants, and improve the overall health of your mouth. If you are considering dental implants, it may be worth considering taking vitamin D supplements to ensure that you are getting enough of this essential nutrient.

Contact By Design Dental in Montgomery County, PA to learn more about Dental Implants and the role Vitamin D plays in helping your dental implant procedure.

Call 484-231-1177

*Before taking supplements, please contact your physician.